Friday, August 21, 2015

Windows 10

Well, hopefully, later today I will be the new user of the latest version of Windows, Windows 10. Released just a month ago on July 29, I have only played around with it for a short time at the electronics store.

First general impression is that it seems to be a nice, flowing operating system. In that it loads quickly as Windows 8 does. As for testing of my frequently used software, that is as of yet untested as I haven't had it installed onto my system yet.

I am currently at the library downloading the ISO file because our internet at the house is slow as can be. It's finished. I am just now copying it over to my flash drive so that I can take it back to the house and burn it to a DVD and install it.

For the time being, my plan is to just put it onto my laptop that is running Windows 8 but depending on how things go, I may put it onto my other computer as well as Mom and Memaw's computers as well.

I will be checking functionality of a few different software programs.

1. Libre Office
2. GOM Player (video and music files)
3. Fences (Stardock Software)
4. Maxthon 4 Browser
5. Dropbox Client
6. AVG Protection with ZEN

As for now, these are the most pressing applications as they are my most used.

But alas, my download is finished transferring and my time is almost up at the library computer system so I must head back home. Hopefully Windows 10 will be a successful installation process.

Have A Wonderful Day!